35mm half-frame photos

the beginnings of a new adventure

I recently got hold of a Lomography Lomourette in the Picnic Edition colourway. It’s a twist on their existing Diana Mini camera. It’s my first 35mm film camera, and it suits me just fine as a beginner! It has a fixed aperture size (f/8), fixed automatic shutter speed (1/60), a manual shutter speed mode, and four focus zones ranging from 0.6m to 4-∞. It shoots half-frames, so in sacrificing a bit of image-to-grain ratio I get double the amount of photos per roll. And talking of which, my first roll came back from the Gulabi photo lab in Glasgow recently. Here’s a few of my favourites!

escher again

castle turret

trolley disaster

mystery doors

canned coffee

spooky melon

a pipe..? a pipe..!

strange spout

whale's bones

the V&A

These were shot on Lomography’s Lady Grey 400 black and white film, which I’ve heard is very similar to Fomapan 400. The photos have been resized so that they aren’t enormous here on my blog. Gulabi do really high resolution scans, and they were way too big to just drop here!

It’s been really fun figuring out how to use the camera and so exciting taking the pictures and not knowing exactly how they would turn out. I’m really glad to see the way they look here, and there’s so much to love about the deep graininess. I’m super excited to keep on learning and keep on snapping away!

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