sunday roundup 1

things i’ve been up to

I’ve seen this style of post on various other blogs I follow, so I thought I’d follow suit and share some of the things I’ve been playing, making, reading and enjoying recently! I’ve titled the post Sunday Roundup, but we’ll see if it ends up being every Sunday or just the occasional one, hehehe!

RSS feed url fix

bear with me

Apologies if you just got spammed with every blog post I’ve ever written, directly into your RSS reader. I was alerted by a friend that my feed was using my secondary domain for links to the site, so I switched everything over to - unfortunately, this regenerated my feed completely. This shouldn’t happen again!

the little lies robots tell us

ruminations on human-computer interfaces

“Battery Fully Charged!”, my bluetooth headphones chirped brightly directly into my eardrums when I accidentally bumped the power button when I was taking them off, returning from a little shopping trip. Wow, I thought, what amazing headphones. They can confidently state absolute bullshit!

new site section

a couple things i thought were missing

Just a quick post to mention I added a new section to the site, called freelance & commissions. I hadn’t really thought about it, but I realised that while this site shows off the work I have done, it didn’t have any representation of the work I could do! So there you have it - a little landing page to describe a couple of the things I can provide to folks.

hot pepsi ☕

a refreshing and comforting drink

Nothing cheers my spirit like a steaming hot mug of pepsi. Not kidding. It’s warm, the slight citric acidity collides with it, and the mouthfeel of carbonation at higher temperatures is really, really fun. Here’s how I make it:


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