RSS feed url fix

bear with me

Apologies if you just got spammed with every blog post I’ve ever written, directly into your RSS reader. I was alerted by a friend that my feed was using my secondary domain for links to the site, so I switched everything over to - unfortunately, this regenerated my feed completely. This shouldn’t happen again!

the little lies robots tell us

ruminations on human-computer interfaces

“Battery Fully Charged!”, my bluetooth headphones chirped brightly directly into my eardrums when I accidentally bumped the power button when I was taking them off, returning from a little shopping trip. Wow, I thought, what amazing headphones. They can confidently state absolute bullshit!

new site section

a couple things i thought were missing

Just a quick post to mention I added a new section to the site, called freelance & commissions. I hadn’t really thought about it, but I realised that while this site shows off the work I have done, it didn’t have any representation of the work I could do! So there you have it - a little landing page to describe a couple of the things I can provide to folks.

hot pepsi ☕

a refreshing and comforting drink

Nothing cheers my spirit like a steaming hot mug of pepsi. Not kidding. It’s warm, the slight citric acidity collides with it, and the mouthfeel of carbonation at higher temperatures is really, really fun. Here’s how I make it:

back to blogging

feeling a change in the wind

“I don’t like social media.” It sounds very dramatic and possibly, to some, even inflammatory or judgemental. As for me, I find myself more and more broadly agreeing with the statement - but there is some nuance that the statement is too short and simple to convey. That’s what I want to talk about in this post.


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